
Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Thank You September...


I took this photo on the morning that I nervously waited for my new Art & Design Foundation group to arrive at the beginning of the month.

It's the same every time, those butterflies in the stomach, even after twenty-six years!

September is a really important month for me, probably because it's a New Year in many ways for us teachers.

I feel so lucky to work part time with students who are on the cusp of their creative careers and adventures, it's such a turning-point in the lives of these future artists and designers.

This is the month that makes me reflect, as I talk to them about some of the fundamental aspects of living a creative life. I need reminding of these things too, it's so easy to forget.

The first statements that I always write on the board before the students arrive are:

1. Make misteaks.

2. We cannot give you the answers but we can give you the questions.

I must admit that sometimes I feel more like the Riddler and not the tutor, these two statements are the fundamental corner stones of being a Creative.

And even after all these years, as a tutor and a painter-textile-artist-person I still have to remember that it's okay to make it up as I go along!

So thank you September for reminding me about these important lessons, I shall miss you until next year ...


Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Back In The Studio...


Things have been pretty busy around these parts of late, my teaching has started again and I've been organising new bits and bobs for my shop in time for the Christmas run-up (eep!)
But after a while that familiar twitchy feeling creeps up on me and I know that I have to get out the paints and do something that's creative.
I had no plans for this painting but I had primed a panel ready because I knew that I would have to splash some paint around soon or I would go 'pop'!

I really enjoy making little Instagram stories as I paint, which really surprises me because I'm not one for being in front of a camera.
I think that it feels different though because I'm just talking and the camera is pointing at the painting as it develops - it really seems to keep me company as I'm perched on my rickety stool for hours on end!

For the majority of the time this was a definite 'Papa Bear,' but the bear's expression and personality kept shifting all the time (which is another reason why I love Instagram stories so much, because you quickly forget how the painting used to look).

One head scarf later, and she's really a force to be reckoned with - a true Matriarch!

I've still got lots to do, but I have thoroughly enjoyed painting this bear and I'm having such fun experimenting with lots of different media.

Wishing you a very creative week chucks X

PS If you'd like to see some of my (rather rambling) Instagram stories, I've saved them as highlights here.

Thursday, 3 September 2020

Hastings (Part Two):

Directly across the road from the wondrous Made In Hastings shop is A.G Hendy & Co. Home Store
Every inch of this shop is beautifully presented and curated, it's like walking into a museum, and it's much bigger inside than it seems on the out.

I literally didn't know where to look next!

 I really, really wanted that wooden egg crate!

Just look at the ostrich feather dusters!

Sorry that I haven't written much this time but I think the photographs speak for themselves!

I hope you enjoyed our little mooch around.