
Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Stuff And Nonsense At The Gate Gallery!

I have always been a great admirer of the work of Sue Stone and her exhibition at The Gate Gallery, Grimsby is a real highlight in the art calendar.
It is incredible to think that every stitch has been done by hand, and many of the pieces are large scale.
These incredibly intricate pieces are at first deceptive...embroidery is automatically considered a genteel past time.

Yet Sue's themes are both nostalgic and contemporary at the same time.
Issues including family memories and reminiscences jostle alongside innocent victims of war and cups of tea are sipped elegantly alongside graffitied walls.
Yet the over riding message of these incredible works is that of female friendship and unity.
'Stuff And Nonsense' runs until the 29th June.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful exhibit! I wish I could see these pieces in person!

  2. Cheers chuck, pleased you enjoyed it!
    They really are awe inspiring 'in the flesh'.


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Custard cream or bourbon?