
Saturday, 24 August 2013

Mrs B Give Away Time!

As a little 'thank you kindly everyone for all the lovely comments on my blog and Face Book page' Mrs B would like to do a little give away.
If you fancy dangling this 'Lonesome Horse' screen printed tote bag from your shoulder, please leave a comment on my blog or Mrs Bertimus Face Book page, (there's a link on the right hand side if you want to pop over to FB).
Mrs B will then number the blog and FB comments and randomly pick one out of the hat.
The give away closes on Friday 30 August.
Mrs B will then announce the winner on both the blog and FB page and if the lucky chuck then leaves a comment with their contact details on (which I won't publish) or private mesages me on FB, the prize will be theirs!
Good luck me chucks!


  1. I would love to dangle your beautiful "Lonesome Horse" tote bag from my shoulder! But, if I won, I'm sure my horse loving daughter would pinch it!

  2. Always love a beautiful bag over here, so yes please to popping my name into the pot. Very generous of you too.

  3. Oh Mrs B, I would love to be included in your giveaway. A horsey bag would be most becoming with my new welligogs. And how did I not know you were on fb? That has now been remedied!

  4. Does it come filled with biscuits?! Count me in plllleeease x

  5. Hi ya, love , love the bag x

  6. Oh, it is so lovely! Just found your work today and I'm so impressed, I would love to own anything! I'm in the US so we could workout the shipping expense I'm sure. So nice of you to do this!

    1. No worries Miss Cork Pop, if Lady Luck picks you then everything is sorted by the competition faeries!


Would you like to make a comment chuck?
I'd love to hear your thoughts, just a minute and I'll put the kettle on.
Custard cream or bourbon?