
Friday, 8 November 2013

Alopecia Chic:

Yesterday I went to see Tracey my hairdresser, not really knowing what to expect.
Because I thought it would all have to go this time I really didn't care what she did with it, which felt very strange because I normally have my hair trimmed about twice a year.
It felt quite liberating and Tracey turned into Edwina Scissor Hands.
How on Earth she's hidden my baldy bits I have no idea, and I will probably lose more but then Tracey and I will have more fun!
Feel a bit Betty Boop (with a scalp that feels like sand paper because there's loads of black stubble...but that could be a good sign, maybe.)
Thanks Tracey x


  1. That is a cute hairstyle. We could all do with a Tracey in our lives occasionally (because we can't always see our good bits!) X
    And now I am singing (in my head, thank goodness) "Betty Boo, Betty Boo just doing the do" - yes, I know it's wrong, I blame my age

    1. I used to LOVE Betty Boo!
      Thanks for the compliment!

  2. you look fabulous! that scarf is rock!!!! x

  3. you look beautiful Mrs B xx

  4. You are all so lovely.
    We are lucky to have each other aren't we x

  5. You just look really,really chic, dear

  6. No one would know ! You look great!

    1. Thank you so much, we'll just see if me poor old follicles can hold out!

  7. I am ashamed to say, I saw your hairstyle quite early, and, because of other shit going on in the room (oooh, excuse me I have to make a text even though you are in the middle of a sentence) I didn[t comment. Just want you to know you look fantastic x

    1. Thank you for everything Auntie Mackles!
      It's good to know I have strong and feisty women looking out for me and I loves you very much x

  8. You look amazing, your hair and the headscarf are fab but it's your lovely smile really does it! xx

  9. After reading your post I wasn't sure if you had alopecia or it was the side effect to something else for which you were receiving treatment, but after going back through your blog I now know. That's an awful thing to go through, very upsetting. I hope you can sort your body out and your hair grows back as it does in most cases. Take care. x

    1. Many thanks, I am very lucky in a way that it's not because of an illness.. But I am looking after myself properly and eating well and exercising, and there is definitely stubble breaking through my poor old scalp! So fingers crossed.

  10. Beautiful Mrs B. Keep on taking care of yourself ...

    1. Thank you Jane,
      Am being well looked after and everyone's support means so much x


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