
Saturday, 29 March 2014

She Sells Sanctuary...

After sampling the delights of Howden Vintage Fair last Saturday, we had a tootle around the beautiful little town itself.

I am ashamed to say that even though I don't live that far away, I had never visited before and I was most impressed with Howden Minster.

Look, look, a secret garden!

The inner Goth in me loves a good church yard and this one did not disappoint.
Spooky alert!
The next two photos were my favourite scary finds (well, actually it was Sam and Lottie that spotted them first).
Hope you enjoyed your ghostly trip!
Right, I'm off to put me black eyeliner on...have a fab weekend!

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Just In Case...

Just in case anyone's interested...
Two last minute places have come up on my workshop at Hope and Elvis on April 5 th.
Just click on the link for more details.
Cheers chucks x

The Tale Of The Golden Shoes.

Once upon a time, a brother and sister visited their Grandmother who lived in the forest.
Peter and Hilda bickered and quarrelled all day long and this made their Grandmother very sad.
However, the Grandmother knew a little magic, and a little while later she hid a pair of golden shoes in the forest where Hilda and Peter liked to play.
'Look Peter! Look!'
cried Hilda, holding up the pair of golden shoes.
She read out the instructions written on an old scrap of parchment.
'Whoever wears the golden shoes will travel to magical lands and have wonderous adventures.
Put on the shoes,close your eyes and your wishes will come true.'
Quickly Hilda pushed her feet into the shoes, as she did she stuck out her tongue to Peter, and shut her eyes tight.
The golden shoes began to hover above the ground, but Hilda's feet were too small and she fell to the ground with a bump.
Peter laughed and snatched the shoes away.
Unfortunately exactly the same thing happened to Peter.
The brother and sister were most upset.
How could they travel to magical lands and have wonderous adventures now?
But all was not lost and Hilda had an idea.
Hilda put both of her feet into one of the shoes and Peter did the same with the other.
Then they held hands and shut their eyes tightly.
Hilda and Peter had the most wonderous adventures in magical lands and never bickered or quarrelled again.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Vintage Joy!

Visited a lovely vintage fair in the very quaint town of Howden...
and bought far too many treasures from the wonderful stall belonging to Miss Debs of 'Once Was'!
How can a girl resist such finery brought all the way from Francias?
Miss Deb's stall must have been enchanted because when something was sold and a gap appeared, another thing of wonder took its place!
All the other stall were jam packed with gorgeous temptations too...

I really lusted after this Welsh tapestry hand bag.
Why o why didn't I purchase?
Loved this cabinet too...
The atmosphere was really buzzy and friendly.
Oh that a vintage fabric stall I spy?
There were some great bargains to be had, have a peek at the website, be warned though, you will want to spend, spend, spend!
I was in bark cloth heaven!
After all that shopping, tea and cake were the order of the day, and very lovely it was too!
I haven't been to a vintage fair for ages and it was really good for the soul.
My treasures are all washed and pressed or displayed with pride.
I also had a tootle around Howden, I've never been there before and it's a really pretty little place with more tea shops per square foot then anywhere else in Christendom I think. (A good place to live then!)
Bought these silk flowers from a really old fashioned grocer's shop that was amazing inside...must go back again to photograph it methinks.
And my treasure of the day?

A brooch handmade by Miss Debs herself, I love it and will always treasure it.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Snap Shot!

Thanks to my very kind (and very sneaky) parents for giving me this beautiful compass pendant.
They bought it right under my nose without me suspecting a thing!

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

On! I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside!

We decided to take a jolly jaunt to the seaside on Sunday.
Hubby fancied a surf and we fancied the bright lights and seaside delights that Mablethorpe had to offer.
Why am I obsessed with giant plastic ice cream cones?
Middie took great offence at the coconut monkeys.
She didn't know whether to square up to them or run away with her tail between her legs.
Then the neon signs beckoned, with their promise of great wealth and fortune...
Serious coin drop timings...
After half an hour, (and lots of tuppences) victory was declared...
A snake key ring...
and tuppence!
The perfect end to a perfect afternoon!