
Tuesday, 18 March 2014

On! I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside!

We decided to take a jolly jaunt to the seaside on Sunday.
Hubby fancied a surf and we fancied the bright lights and seaside delights that Mablethorpe had to offer.
Why am I obsessed with giant plastic ice cream cones?
Middie took great offence at the coconut monkeys.
She didn't know whether to square up to them or run away with her tail between her legs.
Then the neon signs beckoned, with their promise of great wealth and fortune...
Serious coin drop timings...
After half an hour, (and lots of tuppences) victory was declared...
A snake key ring...
and tuppence!
The perfect end to a perfect afternoon!


  1. Great fun! And you have to have fish and chips at the seaside, it's the Law! xxx

  2. We have many happy days spent in an almost identical manner if Hastings Old town - love the tat and 2 p machines :)

  3. Yes I just love the sea and the tack!

  4. Replies
    1. Why, thank you most kindly! I enjoyed visiting your blog too! X

  5. How funny I was just about to say it looks just like many a happy hour we have spent on Hastings pleasure beach this past year, but some one has beaten me to it!

    1. Hello Nora!
      I have always wanted to visit Hastings.
      It's quite arty isn't it, and I'd love to visit the Made In Hastings Gallery.

  6. What ever will you spend your winnings on?? I do so love the seaside too xxx

    1. I am taking the responsibility of such a win very seriously.
      Do you remember when you could buy a chewy for half a pence?
      Those were the days!

  7. Made me yearn for a day by the sea. I love days like these with my two p slot addicts. Just been catching up with all your news lovely one and thought I'd plonk a comment here in the middle of it all. The workshop down below looked great fun. That little girl did great. Oh and up top - what lovely parents getting you the compass so you don't lose your way. Thanks for stopping by as always Mrs B.


    1. Awwww thanks miss Bobo Bun!
      Bourbon or custard cream? X

    2. Me likes both and all of them, my man however argues that the Bourbon is the King of biscuits. I'm not joking it's a serious debate that goes on in tutor time as you can tell a person by the biscuit they choose he says. X

    3. I think that your other half is very wise indeed.
      I would have serious misgivings about anyone whose fave was a fig roll x


Would you like to make a comment chuck?
I'd love to hear your thoughts, just a minute and I'll put the kettle on.
Custard cream or bourbon?