
Friday, 4 April 2014

Just Like The Old Days...

Mum and me had a baking day today (well me Mum baked and I washed up!)
It was so lovely to spend a day together, it reminded me of when we would bake for my birthday parties all those many moons ago.
Do you think there's enough?
Well, you've got to have one with Easter chicks on haven't you!
Hope everyone likes them tomorrow!
Thanks Mum for everything!


  1. Save the big chocolate one for me!!!!!! X

  2. No problem chuck.
    Hope you feel better tomorrow x

  3. Ahhh, how lovely! The cakes look great. Did your mum let you lick the bowl afterwards?! xxx

  4. Watch out for Juds....she loves cakes!!!

    1. No worries at all, there is enough for everyone in the whole county! X

  5. MMMMM that chocolate one was Divine DIVINE I said! please thank your Mum from me and the other half who had "one for the journey"
    D xx

    1. So pleased! I will pass on your message chuck! Thanks again for coming along, had such a brill time I am still grinning form ear to ear! X

  6. Hi! Just a quick note to say thank you so much for the wonderful workshop yesterday. I left feeling very inspired and excited for what I can make (and started the cogs whirling for future plans for studying Art). I have spent the afternoon stitching away in my sewing room and have finished the hanging I started yesterday. I'm not on Facebook or anywhere so I'm not sure how to show you but just wanted to say thanks. Thanks also for your generosity - the sweets have fuelled my afternoon! Hope to meet again one day! Tracy Greenway (

    1. Thanks Tracey, that's so good to know!
      I'll email you my email, I'd love to see how you get on! X


Would you like to make a comment chuck?
I'd love to hear your thoughts, just a minute and I'll put the kettle on.
Custard cream or bourbon?