
Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Fresh Air!

It was such a lovely day on Sunday we decided to go for a walk at Hatfield Moor.
There were lots of caterpillars and creepy crawlies.

Can you see the little green beetle?
Aaaah! That's better!
Time for tea!


  1. Bliss, apart from the creepy crawlies. My fear is always that a snake's hidden in the grass so I go hell for leather through long grass.


    1. Now that's spooky because hubby has just come back from a run and has seen a grass snake! Eeeek! X

  2. Would be nice to sit with a cup of tea there Mrs B. X

  3. It's a really peaceful place, I love it there x

  4. Looks beautiful in Yorkshire. I love that little willow arbour your little one is sitting under. Three years ago I build a willow cage...part art, part practical...around a bit of my late father's rhubarb. You know, to keep the little feet off the plant. And the cage rooted. So now I have a growing willow cage in a small city garden (Vancouver) with no way to transport it to my big country garden (OXON)!!! Oh well, we'll see what will happen. :)

    1. Ooo that sounds beautiful Veronica, maybe I could make a living arch out of my monster weeds....hmmmm.....x

  5. Looks beautiful, great pics! xx


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Custard cream or bourbon?