
Thursday, 31 July 2014

Saltburn And Whitby Memories...

Here are a few last photos that I found from our Whitby jolly at Easter.
More ice creams for the collections...
My fave fabric shop in Whitby.
Hubby and Middie in the book shop!
I take this same photo every year!
Hope you enjoyed my little scrap book of memories!
Hope you're all enjoying your summer x

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Small Paintings...

I've been painting some small pictures recently.
I think it keeps you on your toes to swop from large scale to small scale from time to time.
This ones called 'Grey Dog Blue Hill', and like most of my paintings I didn't have a clue what is was going to be about!
And there's a few little bits of illuminous pink peeking out here and there...what a surprise!

Thursday, 24 July 2014


Can you actually fall in love with a pair of scissors?
Love at first sight.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Ooo It's A Blog Hop!

A little while ago I was kindly invited by Lisa of Mrs Bobo Bun blog fame to join in a little ol' blog hop.
I have never 'hopped' before and was a little nervous in case I hopped in the wrong way, but I shall try my best!
So here goes, I'm just putting on my hopping shoes and eating my Mexican jumping beans...
What am I working on?
I'm working on quite a few things at once, which is how I prefer to work really.
I am split 50/50 between stitching and painting.
This sometimes annoys me, as I feel as though I should do only one thing, but both feed each other, in a strange kind of way, and often there is a cross over of ideas.
These are the paintings propped against my tiny studio wall at the moment.
Some are finished, some are taunting me.
Here's a little chap I am working on at the minute, he's sitting in a boat!
And here's a little piece of slow stitching that I've started.
Here's a couple of unfinished stitchings I'm about to finish(hopefully) when Middie decides to let me!
The floral dress on top is my 'honest frock' that I made yesterday at Hope and Elvis on a workshop led by Rachelle Blondel from the very lovely Ted and Agnes.
Meeting Louise, Miss Debs and Miss Dawn at Hope and Elvis was like an epiphany for me.
I found so many kindred spirits there and I didn't really realise that textile art is something real and beautiful.
I know I sound bonkers saying that, but before I just thought that I was 'messing around',and almost felt a bit naughty, as I felt I was wasting time and should be doing 'real ' work.
Hope and Elvis showed me that it is a valuable part of me and my happiness.
How does this work differ from others of its genre?
Oooo, that's a tricky one!
In one way my work doesn't differ at all, I just use paint and thread and scrips and scraps.
But in another way, everyone's work is unique because it comes from that individual.
Why do I create what I do?
I bet that everyone has answered this question in the same way....because I have to!
I suffer from a very annoying condition called ' stitcher's itch'.
I get a bit mardy if I can't play with scrips and scraps.
How does your creative process work?
Charity shopping and vintage hunting often sparks off an idea.
Even if I don't use it in my actual work I like to surround myself with my treasures.
I've had this old magazine picture in my studio for years now.
I painted 'crazy woman' onto it, so that if I need some inspiration I can just look at her!
I bought this photo from Miss Debs, and in a way she is my muse.
She looks down on me as I work (sometimes we have little chats but I don't tell many people that!)

Hope I haven't blathered on for too long!
Many thanks again Mrs Bobo Bun for my invitation to hop!
Inkeeping with this fine tradition I have invited two very lovely ladies to join in, whose blogs are inspirational, and I do hope that you will go and visit them.
Crafting Not Cleaning is a witty, chatty, cheeky and very creative blog, I will let Miss CNC introduce herself:
I'm Ginny, a crafty literary mummy, in that I love to sew, knit and crochet as well as read as much as I possibly can. I have two blogs - one is for the crafty side of my life, and the other is for my book reviewing. I love to do both, and so decided to let each blog speak in their own way.
Hijacked By Twins is a warm, heart felt, love-filled blog, full of delicious recipes and family fun.
Believe me, I am no cook but I am sorely tempted to give some of these recipes a go as they are very clearly written and use everyday non- cheffy ingredients, and the little snapshots of family life simply warm the cockles.
And finally I would like to link over to Notes On Paper, it's a beautifully written blog and I would like to apologise to Miss NOP, as when I was previously invited to join in this little blog party I had to decline.
I felt really badly about this but it was crazy-exam-time at work and I just couldn't fit everything in.
So even though I know you've already joined in, I hope you don't mind me re- including you chuck, and I hope that you understand (which I'm sure you do as you are a very kindly lady indeed).
Well, I hope you've enjoyed our little hop- party!

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Ship Ahoy!

I have really been enjoying my preparations for the Mrs Bertimus' Stitchery Pokery Workshop at Hope and Elvis later in the year.
I seem to be combining transferred images and making little stitched stories or environments for them, which is great fun as I never quite know how they will turn out.
Hope you like this little chap who is venturing out on a very intrepid expedition with his faithful companion.

Monday, 14 July 2014

Studio Snapshot!

I've been working on a painting called 'The Little Boat Shed'.
It was one of those that emerged on its own in a strange kind of way.
I think she looks a little sad.

Girl With A Bird On Her Head

At the moment I seem to be making lots of girls with birds on their heads!
I do not know why but it makes me happy.
Just finished this brooch, off for a cup of tea x

Friday, 11 July 2014

Empty Chairs And Empty Tables...

Teaching is a funny old business.
You get a new influx of fresh faces.
And the fresh faces turn into characters.
You watch them grow, and sometimes struggle, and find their own way.
You have laughs, and temper tantrums, and triumphs and the odd tear.
( And that's just me!)
Teaching Fine Art is never dull.
And that's because of the students.
And then they fly the nest, and you wave your chickens goodbye, and you hope that the world will be kind.
And you have your heart broken yet again.
You can see just how upset we are!
( You know I'm only joking!)
Class of 2014 you shall be sorely missed.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Another Seedling...

Here's the second re-worked seed bag that has been embellished and slow stitched.
I love the feel of the soft fabric as I sew these.
I only found two of these,and so I will be on the hunt for more...
The thrifters' quest is never ending!

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Alice Fox Workshop At Hope And Elvis!

I will apologise in advance for the copious amounts of photographs in this post.
We had such a fabulous time and there was so much to see, so I hope you understand.
Alice Fox is an amazing textile artist who responds to her environment by allowing nature to 'dye' and mark the fabric and paper that she works on.
Sam, Debs and myself have loved her work for quite a while now and so jumped at the chance to attend her workshop at Hope and Elvis.
As we were so giddy, we arrived a bit too early and had an explore around The Harley Gallery and Estate.
Sam, Instagramming in the rain!
Debs, primed and ready for action!
Sam and Jenny raiding the shop!
Alice, sharing techniques and rusting recipes.
Look at those beautiful samples!

Alice's recipes.

It was like alchemy!
Making our first samples...
Alice's collection of rusty treasures.
Unwrapping Alice's pre- prepared cloths.
It was like Christmas!
The air filled with 'ooos' and 'aaahs' as we unwrapped the beautiful parcels of rusted fabric.
We were so inspired nothing was safe!
Look, even the chair became wrapped!
Mr Gnome was very relieved that he wasn't made of metal!
After all that unwrapping and excitement it was time for dinner!
We enjoyed a very civilised tiffin, thank you Louise and Miss Debs.
This piece was made during Alice's residency at Spurn Point and was displayed in the light house.
Now this may seem strange, but I think the bathroom at Hope and Elvis is one of the most beautiful in all the land.
Louise laughs at me for always photographing it, but I can't resist!
After sharing out the unwrapped pieces we began stitching and composing our own little pieces.
Debs' delicate stitchings:
(T'other) Deb's lovely piece:
Jenny's beautiful stitchings.
Nothing was safe from Jenny now!
Sam's rust-tastic sampler.
(T'other) Sam's multi layered piece.
I hope you liked your little 'thank you' sweet peas (the only thing that seems to have flourished in my garden this year!)
And if you've made it to the end of this monster post then well done and brew your self a cup of tea.
You've earned it!