
Monday, 21 July 2014

Ooo It's A Blog Hop!

A little while ago I was kindly invited by Lisa of Mrs Bobo Bun blog fame to join in a little ol' blog hop.
I have never 'hopped' before and was a little nervous in case I hopped in the wrong way, but I shall try my best!
So here goes, I'm just putting on my hopping shoes and eating my Mexican jumping beans...
What am I working on?
I'm working on quite a few things at once, which is how I prefer to work really.
I am split 50/50 between stitching and painting.
This sometimes annoys me, as I feel as though I should do only one thing, but both feed each other, in a strange kind of way, and often there is a cross over of ideas.
These are the paintings propped against my tiny studio wall at the moment.
Some are finished, some are taunting me.
Here's a little chap I am working on at the minute, he's sitting in a boat!
And here's a little piece of slow stitching that I've started.
Here's a couple of unfinished stitchings I'm about to finish(hopefully) when Middie decides to let me!
The floral dress on top is my 'honest frock' that I made yesterday at Hope and Elvis on a workshop led by Rachelle Blondel from the very lovely Ted and Agnes.
Meeting Louise, Miss Debs and Miss Dawn at Hope and Elvis was like an epiphany for me.
I found so many kindred spirits there and I didn't really realise that textile art is something real and beautiful.
I know I sound bonkers saying that, but before I just thought that I was 'messing around',and almost felt a bit naughty, as I felt I was wasting time and should be doing 'real ' work.
Hope and Elvis showed me that it is a valuable part of me and my happiness.
How does this work differ from others of its genre?
Oooo, that's a tricky one!
In one way my work doesn't differ at all, I just use paint and thread and scrips and scraps.
But in another way, everyone's work is unique because it comes from that individual.
Why do I create what I do?
I bet that everyone has answered this question in the same way....because I have to!
I suffer from a very annoying condition called ' stitcher's itch'.
I get a bit mardy if I can't play with scrips and scraps.
How does your creative process work?
Charity shopping and vintage hunting often sparks off an idea.
Even if I don't use it in my actual work I like to surround myself with my treasures.
I've had this old magazine picture in my studio for years now.
I painted 'crazy woman' onto it, so that if I need some inspiration I can just look at her!
I bought this photo from Miss Debs, and in a way she is my muse.
She looks down on me as I work (sometimes we have little chats but I don't tell many people that!)

Hope I haven't blathered on for too long!
Many thanks again Mrs Bobo Bun for my invitation to hop!
Inkeeping with this fine tradition I have invited two very lovely ladies to join in, whose blogs are inspirational, and I do hope that you will go and visit them.
Crafting Not Cleaning is a witty, chatty, cheeky and very creative blog, I will let Miss CNC introduce herself:
I'm Ginny, a crafty literary mummy, in that I love to sew, knit and crochet as well as read as much as I possibly can. I have two blogs - one is for the crafty side of my life, and the other is for my book reviewing. I love to do both, and so decided to let each blog speak in their own way.
Hijacked By Twins is a warm, heart felt, love-filled blog, full of delicious recipes and family fun.
Believe me, I am no cook but I am sorely tempted to give some of these recipes a go as they are very clearly written and use everyday non- cheffy ingredients, and the little snapshots of family life simply warm the cockles.
And finally I would like to link over to Notes On Paper, it's a beautifully written blog and I would like to apologise to Miss NOP, as when I was previously invited to join in this little blog party I had to decline.
I felt really badly about this but it was crazy-exam-time at work and I just couldn't fit everything in.
So even though I know you've already joined in, I hope you don't mind me re- including you chuck, and I hope that you understand (which I'm sure you do as you are a very kindly lady indeed).
Well, I hope you've enjoyed our little hop- party!


  1. Stop blogging and finish that frock! Btw when am I meant to do my blog-hop thing - is it next Monday?! X

    1. Sorry chuck! Yes I will crack on now!
      Next Monday would be grand please if that's ok with you.
      Cheers chucks x

  2. Loved reading your hoopity hop. You write just how I imagine you chatting. Thank goodness no more naughty feelings with the textiles, that just wouldn't do at all would it now. Oh to meet people you can have an epiphany with. For me you're all either far up North or way down South and I'm stuck out on the right bum cheek in the North Sea.
    You're one talented lady says famous she. Where on earth did you get that crazy idea from? Sounds good though for my CV. X

    1. Thanks chuck
      You never know one day we may meet!
      Thanks again for the hop invitation!
      Enjoy your summer x

  3. :-) You're very kind ... and, like I told you, there's no need to apologise *at all* ... but it's lovely that you did!

    I understand that feeling of doing more than one creative thing at once ... and wondering if they're both 'proper'. It's funny isn't it? - I've been admiring your textile work all this time never thinking for a moment that it wasn't anything but a 'real' thing.

    We really do give ourselves a tough time don't we? I still struggle to call some of my work [where I use snippets of words from old books] either 'collage' or 'poetry'. But I bet if I saw it labelled as that in a gallery - by someone else - I wouldn't even question it!

    Thanks again for being generally thoughtful and lovely. Happy hopping to you!


  4. Thanks Julie
    It's great to know others feel the same about their work, it's a funny old game isn't it!
    Take care chucks x

  5. It was great to read about you and what your work on and how! xx

  6. Lovely and inspiring post! I am so enchanted by your work, and seeing your creative space is equally fascinating, how I'd love to sit in the corner of your studio, sip tea and just take in the vibe! Chrissie x

    1. Thanks so much Chrissie what a lovely thing to say!
      You're welcome to join me anytime! X


Would you like to make a comment chuck?
I'd love to hear your thoughts, just a minute and I'll put the kettle on.
Custard cream or bourbon?