
Friday, 20 February 2015

Fabi Wabi Sabi...

I spent a fantastic afternoon at The Steel Rooms on Wednesday, chatting with good friends and sketching merrily away (will tell you more about that next time.)
When I said my goodbyes and walked to the car park I was literally stopped in my tracks...
Don't you just love old, tattered bill boards!
Way more beautiful than any painting I could do!
This one is my favourite....
(well, we all run around like headless chickens sometimes don't we!)
Happy weekend y'all, don't forget to just stop for a minute and see the beauty around you (peace man!)


  1. Love the chicken. It looks like it should be in a gallery.

  2. You truly have an artist's eye, Mrs B! Love the headless chicken. xxx

  3. Great day out.
    It looks like a place with inpiration. Beautiful photos.
    My favourite is the first one.

  4. Love wabi sabi art and these are fab. Enjoy your weekend. X

  5. Thanks ladies, just wished I had painted these myself! Ha! X


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