
Tuesday, 25 August 2015

A Day At Cowslip... (Part Two!)

Now then, where was I?
Care to join me for the second half of my poodle around Cowslip Workshops?
As well as the wonderful stalls and delights on offer, the farm itself is beautiful.
I often had to have a little waft around the gorgeous surroundings when I (frequently) became too giddy!
Every nook and cranny was beautifully decorated, the attention to detail was stunning.
I adored this old dolls' house.
After a little break and a breath of Cornish fresh air, I ventured back to the stalls...
Helen Round's work is stunning.
Her hand printed linen was a sight to behold and I swooned over her aprons and bags...
Betty's Bubble offered quirky, humorous pieces that made you smile.
We had quite a long chat and had a very good laugh!
By now I needed a medicinal ice cream...
My flavour of choice was rose and pistachio...oooo...
The perfect end to the perfect day!


  1. Ooh - lovely blog! Thanks for including pictures of Betty's Bubble things. It was great to meet you, and we certainly did have a good chat and lots of laughs. I was at Cowslip for lunch today - just heavenly. Becky x

    1. My pleasure treasure!
      I really enjoyed our chin wag and I'm still reading the mags! X

  2. All gorgeous and properly making me miss the sunshine! I love the wee dolls house too. I've just been given an old painted metal one that had been used for the milkman to leave bottles in: it's worth a blog mention so I'll get on that. Loads of lovely things to buy and an ice cream? Perfect.xx

    1. Oo that sounds amazing, looking forward to seeing the pics xxxx

  3. Oh, my goodness! Custard Cream, of course. What heaven this trip must have been! Such a lovely locale and the shopping must have been storybook fun. But the ice cream got me-- which, in my book, made it a perfect trip. Thanks for sharing.

    1. So glad you enjoyed the post, thanks so much for popping by x

  4. beautiful things!!
    love all this !!

    1. Thank you so much and thanks for popping by xxx

  5. Oooo, looks like a lovely place! I'm quite taken with the hand-printed linens, and the thought of rose and pistachio ice cream - for medicinal purposes, of course! I'm also taken with that snazzy outfit of the ice cream customer.

    1. Yes, the ice cream was purely medicinal....honest!
      I must admit I quickly papped the stylish lady by the ice cream van, I loved her outfit so much! X


Would you like to make a comment chuck?
I'd love to hear your thoughts, just a minute and I'll put the kettle on.
Custard cream or bourbon?