
Monday, 3 August 2015

Something New...

I've just returned from a lovely holiday in Cornwall.
I was fortunate to go to a two day Abstract Landscape workshop at the very inspiring Newlyn Art School.
We worked on paper,which I don't often use, and tried lots of new painting techniques.
We chucked paint and water around, scratched, sponged and dripped.
In short, I had a lot of fun.
Afterwards I cut up and collaged some of the painted papers to make these two pieces.
Hope you like.


  1. Glad you had a lovely holiday. The workshop sounds right up your street, and your paintings are fantastic! xx

    1. Thanks Curtise, it really was good for the soul x

  2. Lovely to do a workshop then use the pieces with great colours as usual.

    1. I had such a good time at the workshop.
      I then spent a rainy day in my caravan working on them which I enjoyed just as much!
      Bonus! Ha!
      Sometimes I enjoy the days that you are holed up in the van just as much as the sunny days! X


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Custard cream or bourbon?