
Monday, 21 December 2015

Gratitude And Baldness...

It's that time of year for reflection and to take a minute and count your blessings.
And funnily enough I think the one thing that I am truly grateful for is my alopecia.
I lost my hair two years ago due to stress, and I am so glad that my anxiety manifested itself into something so visible.
I think that if I had developed something else I would have ignored it, and just soldiered on.
But I think that when all your hair drops out in the space of a few weeks your body is giving you quite a strong message.
Of course, when it happened I wasn't thankful at all.
In fact the first thing I thought when the doctor told me was 'great, I have a condition that rhymes with my name.'
'Hello. My name's Letitia and I have alopecia.'
And it was difficult at first when I decided to ditch the wig.
The first time I ventured out shopping, the woman at the till smiled at me in a pitying manner and whispered:
'You're so brave, I wouldn't have the guts to go out like that.'
Being British, I smiled apologetically and mumbled something as I packed my bags.
However, as I looked up to pay her I felt much better.
Being ridiculously and utterly British, I didn't say it to her face, but I giggled all the way to my car as I repeatedly said in my head,
'Well lovey,
I'm not half as brave as you wearing that frosted green eye shadow and blue mascara.
Given the choice I know which look I'd rather be rocking around Asdas.'
What I am truly grateful for is that it made me and my hubby sit down and re-assess what we really wanted in life.
We decided that we wanted to get off the Merry- Go- Round and slow down a little.
And this last year has been a really good one and I appreciate my friends and family with all my heart.
I was thinking about this this morning as a few little tufts have started to peek out of my scalp here and there, in fact I have half a side burn!
But if it never comes back I don't really care that much.
(The only thing I'm not grateful about is that now I have to shave my legs!
Alopecia without the benefits I guess!)

Hope you didn't mind me prattling on chucks, thank you for all the support and comments you have sent me throughout the year.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas time and a magical New Year.
Lots of love xxx


  1. Hooray for you! I have to confess that after I quipped that I love what you've done with your hare, I later thought, "oh god, the alopecia!" But I do love what you have done without your hair. Just sorry that stress was a factor. Shine on Mrs. B.

    1. No, I loved that comment so much, it really made me smile!
      Thank you so much chuck x

  2. Wow. Congratulations. I love following you, your thoughts and style but now an extra layer. ( custard cream please)

  3. You are a wise lady. And you look great! x

  4. Thanks for the chuckles Chuck! Your gorgeous!

  5. Fab photo!

    I'm glad you listened to your body and found your way to a less stressful life. Enjoy :)

    Merry Christmas!


    1. Thank you so much Joanna, wishing you a very Merry Christmas x

  6. What a wonderful post, both uplifting and funny (loved the part about the green eye shadow and blue mascara!). Sometimes life teaches us hard lessons, but at the time when we need them.

    May happiness find you at Christmas and follow you through the coming year!

    1. Thank you so much Val,
      Sending you much love this Christmas time too chuck X

  7. are one truly amazing woman...have a wonderful christmas, new year and a fabulous life xx

    1. Thank you ever so Tina,
      Sending you much felicitations and love X

  8. I love hearing you prattle on - as I do you photos and ice cream cone obsession. Thank you for your thoughts and observations through the year Xxx

    1. That really means such a lot Leanne, sharing the plastic ice cream love!!! X

  9. I think you are awesome Mrs B and beautiful :) happy happy family time and looking forward to another year of your amazing talents xx

    1. Thanks ever so Miss Hettie,
      Wishing you a magical Christmas time chuck x

  10. Thank you for sharing your reflections on your passing year.
    I love your sense of humour and the way you are writing in your blog.
    Wishing you wonderful Christmas and happy New Year,

    1. Many thanks me dear, what a lovely thing to say x

  11. Well done girl. My lovely daughter will not go bald by choice but wears her beautiful wigs with pride & she doesn't need to shave her legs!
    She & her wigs are going travelling in Australia & one
    day she might give a talk at a Be Bold conference as her confidence grows. We giggle when those suffering from Alopecia are referred to as Alopecian... it's a very special country !!!!
    Merry Christmas to you and so glad to know you here and sigh over your wonderful artwork xx

    1. I have a pastel pink wig which I love, I'm just too lazy to wear them!
      Please send my best wishes to your daughter, I hope she enjoys her adventures and I'm sure that she will rock when she gives her talk.....go girl!
      I didn't know that I was Alopecian, I really quite like that!
      Merry Christmas to you and your family, lots of love xxxxx

  12. Well said lovely! I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy new year xx

    1. And to you too chuck,
      We shall have to have a bloggy meet up soon x

  13. Beautifully put! Merry Christmas ... have fun! x

    1. Thank you me dear, and a very Merry Christmas to you too! X

  14. You are bloomin' lovely you are, it's always a treat dropping by. That's a terrific photo.
    Hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas and here's to 2016!

    1. Thank you ever so Miss Black, wishing you a fab Christmas too xxxx

  15. I'd love to share a custard cream with someone who is so happy and inspirational., thank you.

    And what may I ask is wrong with frosted green eye shadow and blue mascara? I think I look great when I combine it with my candy pink lippy and my Jaffa coloured foundation... lol.
    Frances X

    1. Well. It looked ridiculous because she forgot the brown lip liner of course!
      Tee! Hee! Xxxx

  16. What a beauty you are, Letitia, I could squeeze ya (which almost rhymes, kind of, if you say it in a funny voice...) I'm so glad you have had a good year, and that a loss has turned into a benefit in the long run. That's the measure of us, I think, how we deal with the bumps in the road; it's easy to be positive and cheerful when life's all plain sailing but it takes character to keep going in more challenging circumstances. That's you - a Woman of Character! Happy Christmas, love! xxxx

    1. I love your lyrics Curtise!
      Had a little tear in my eye when I read your comment!
      Wishing you all the very best for a fab Christmas xxx

  17. Lovely post! Wishing you a happy and chilled new year :)

    1. Thank you so much me dear.
      Happy, happy Christmas chuck xxx

  18. you is beautiful with or without hair, though still adore your pink wig. love you lots and lots x


Would you like to make a comment chuck?
I'd love to hear your thoughts, just a minute and I'll put the kettle on.
Custard cream or bourbon?