
Sunday, 28 February 2016

Little Stitchings...

It's been printing-a-go-go recently in preparation for upcoming workshops at Hope And Elvis and The Steel Rooms.
I've made some tiny mono printed and hand stitched brooches.
I think I've been thinking about Spring time!

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Something new...

This half term I wanted to try something new and sometimes just trying a different medium can really kick start your creativity.
I had used gouache many, many years ago but I picked up a set as a treat to myself and had a play.
As usual, I didn't have a plan but just gathered a few bits and pieces together and turned up Radio 6!
I do like the marks made accidentally on the scraps of paper left behind!
The shoes proved especially challenging.
I'm ashamed to admit that a few choice words were uttered!
I do love a half term project, don't you!

Friday, 19 February 2016

Who Lives In A House Like This?

It's the half term and the sun is at that strange angle as it shines through the windows.
You know the one, where those evil sun beams show up very speck of dust in all its glorious technicolor detail.
I suffered a sudden attack of the Spring Cleaning Fever.
So I thought I should record this auspicious occasion and take a few photos before those cheeky dust bunnies decide to return.
When my Nanna once visited she said,
'Well, at least you won't have to worry about the burglars!'
(I love my Nanna, she's not one to mince her words!)
And she's right, there's nothing in my house that is worth very much, and the vast majority is from the charity shop.
But they are my treasures, I could probably tell you exactly which charity shop they came from and who I was with.
Other treasures are presents from friends, and they are priceless.
This chap is one of my favourite pieces of pottery, he cost 50p from the car boot!
My dollies' mosh pit.
And this is Gol Gol, my childhood companion.
My Mum had to perform plastic surgery on her on many an occasion.
When she had to be washed I used to hold up her legs on the washing line, crying as the water dripped down my arms!
Time for a sit down and a cup of tea while I watch those dust particles float back down!

Sunday, 14 February 2016


It always takes me a long time to plan and prepare for a workshop.
This week I have been experimenting and painting in preparation for an abstraction weekend workshop that will be held at Hope And Elvis in December.
This little painting is called 'Blue Moon'.
And this one is 'Blood Moon'.
I really enjoyed playing and layering and generally getting messy!
I used to worry about which discipline I should devote myself to: painting or textiles.
I've finally come to the decision that without one I can't do the other!
I think it really helps me to switch, it seems to keep things exciting and I think that they feed off each other.
I suppose I'm just a flibbertigibbet!
(Have I spelt that right?!?)

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

The Finishing Touches...

I blogged about this little printed piece a while ago here.
Now I've stitched it, and I'm always surprised how such a simple running stitch can add texture and movement to the surface.
I'll be bringing her along to the Hope and Elvis workshop weekend in April.
I can't wait!

Thursday, 4 February 2016

A Bit Of A Challenge...

I fancied trying something a little different, and I've been thinking about customising clothing recently, so I was very excited when I found a denim jacket at the charity shop.
So I had a go at machine embroidering it with a selection of my favourite scrips and scraps of fabric.
There are a few patches here and there...
and of course a hare!
There were a few technical bits and bobs to work out along the way, but that added to the enjoyment.
Right, time for another trip to the charity shop soon!

Monday, 1 February 2016


Something very exciting has happened in Scunthorpe...
Meanwhile is a new vintage, art and designer/ makers' shop has opened and it is fab!
Here is Hayley, of Pigeon Vintage fame at the grand opening.
There was lots of temptation, (I might have accidentally purchased the spooky Angel photo!)
There is a wide range of exciting treasures and upcycled pieces by a wonderful community of talented folk, including OOPS (one off products,) Alfie Robot Retro, and Vagrant Art.
There was a real buzz of excitement around the place.
I was so proud of Chelsea, one of our Art Foundation students whose fabulous drawings decorated one of the walls.
She worked so professionally and created a real focal point in the shop's decor.
So, as the evening drew in and the cake was eaten, I had to tear myself away from the party....but I know I'll be back very soon to bag a bargain or three!