
Friday, 19 February 2016

Who Lives In A House Like This?

It's the half term and the sun is at that strange angle as it shines through the windows.
You know the one, where those evil sun beams show up very speck of dust in all its glorious technicolor detail.
I suffered a sudden attack of the Spring Cleaning Fever.
So I thought I should record this auspicious occasion and take a few photos before those cheeky dust bunnies decide to return.
When my Nanna once visited she said,
'Well, at least you won't have to worry about the burglars!'
(I love my Nanna, she's not one to mince her words!)
And she's right, there's nothing in my house that is worth very much, and the vast majority is from the charity shop.
But they are my treasures, I could probably tell you exactly which charity shop they came from and who I was with.
Other treasures are presents from friends, and they are priceless.
This chap is one of my favourite pieces of pottery, he cost 50p from the car boot!
My dollies' mosh pit.
And this is Gol Gol, my childhood companion.
My Mum had to perform plastic surgery on her on many an occasion.
When she had to be washed I used to hold up her legs on the washing line, crying as the water dripped down my arms!
Time for a sit down and a cup of tea while I watch those dust particles float back down!


  1. Just beautiful! Lovely and cosy and quriky and interesting. Love it. My mum has said something similar about my house and is always doisconcerted at the amount of old dolls and dll bits hanging around the place.
    I have been watching the dust float about too and it can stay there for the mo!

    1. I think you're right about the dust battle, the dust always wins!
      I bet you have the most amazing treasures at home x

  2. Your house looks very cheery and bright, and so interesting. A dollie's mosh pit! Love it. I remember my sister had a deer figurine. How nice that you have your beloved Gol after all these years!

    1. Thanks Val, Gol Gol is, I think, my most treasured possession in the whole wide world x

  3. It was hard to choose a favorite photo, they are all so wonderful, but I did love the Dollie mosh pit! Xx

    1. Ha! Ha! Thank you Patty,my family hates it! X

  4. Your home looks inviting and interesting. I love all your little trinkets and treasures. As for the dust, here it's a losing battle. We always hope no one comes to visit when the sun is streaming in the windows!

    1. Ha! Ha! I think I should just get some net curtains!
      Thank you chuck x

  5. Goddamn those dust particles! My solution is to just wave the Hoover around a bit.

  6. Oh and should add I'm with your family on the dolly mosh pit - spooky!

    1. Theyre only spooky when they come to life at night....mwah! Mwah! Mwah!.........Ha! Ha! X

  7. I think the answer to the question is .... you?! x

  8. i love your house! looks like a real treasure trove! <3

  9. i need one of these attacks, the healthy kind. delightful surroundings

  10. love your Nanas comment lol

    1. Yes, I love my Nanna very much. She's rock and roll and says it as it is! Xxxx


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Custard cream or bourbon?