
Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Happy Day!

On Saturday I taught a mono printing workshop at The Steel Rooms in their lovely bright and sunny studio space.
Everyone really got stuck in, and it was a hive of activity.
And soon lots of beautiful prints began to emerge...
In fact, we managed to cover the floor with all the beautiful art work!
What a group of talented ladies!
It makes me feel so happy seeing everyone's work all together.
And not only extremely creative, but stylish too!
Thanks Julie and Emma at The Steel Rooms for your warm welcome and kindness, and to everyone who came along X


  1. Beautiful work as always. Id so love a trip 'up North' to join in.xx

    1. Thank you most kindly Miss Black it would be so lovely to meet one day x

  2. I'd like to do this too ! wonderful creations x

    1. Thank you kindly, we had a good laugh and made lots of creative loveliness x


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