
Saturday, 9 July 2016

Step- By-Step...

This painting, entitled 'Grey Hare', is for The Ropewalk Summer Exhibition (25.6.16 - 4.9.16)
I thought I would try to take step- by-step photos during the painting process.
I have to admit that I'm not very good at this as at certain points,(usually when I'm struggling and the canvas is 'fighting back'!) so please forgive the gaps!
I never begin a painting with an idea in my head, I like to see where the mark- making takes me.
I think that it's much more fun!
Well, here goes...
When I have to stop painting I often leave little scribbled notes to myself, so that I know what my 'next move' is.
And here's the final result!
Hope you like!
I shall also be playing with paint and mixed media at the lovely Hope and Elvis in December, so looking forward to the Mrs B Abstraction Weekender!


  1. I love the little scribbled notes! So much of painting is really practical, like this. I do something similar in my notebook. It's hard sometimes to continue the flow of thought when your work is interrupted so often. Lovely little insight into how you respond to this. Thanks.

    1. Thanks Naomi, painting a picture is a bit like playing chess isn't it, the notes are essential! X

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, such positive support means ever so much a lot xxx

  3. Perfection. I love to see artist's work processes.
    Isn't it weird, that scary bit when you think you've lost control and the painting is in charge? What' that all about?!I always talk about the painting doing what it wants or fighting me and people think I'm mad! Yup, making notes is vital...I always forget what my next move is so I keep a notebook. Mind you, I keep a notebook for just about everything in my life these days!xx

    1. I often talk to my painting (or shout!) nothing at all strange in our ways me dear! Xxxx

  4. Wonderful to see the process. Lovely hare with mischievous glint in his eye which reminds me of my pet rabbit Dandelion who looked like a hare and was very naughty !

    1. Oh, what a lovely name! Bet he got up to lots of shenanigans! X


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