
Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Moonlight Serenade...

I painted this during the half term, and as always I didn't have a clue what was going to appear!
The under layer was painted in really bright colours, and I had a whale of a time flinging the paint around!
As I started the darker top layer I remembered one of my favourite things when I was at Infant School.
Every 5th of November we would draw a Bonfore Night picture, and we would always cover the paper with bright wax crayons of every colour. Then we would cover that in a thick layer of black wax crayon, scratching out firework patterns using a pin.
I used to love doing that so much, and I'm sure those early art classes have influenced my work all those years later!
She seems a little wistful and it reminds me a bit of a 1940's film.
I think that she has just been to a dance and a handsome American soldier has just walked her home and kissed her under the starry sky...
Who says romance is dead!
And even though I don't know all of the story, I do believe there was a happy ending.


  1. Very cool painting! I really love the combination of the bright underlayer and the soft black on top. I loved that scratching crayon technique as a kid, too!

  2. I get the impression someone is in need of some romance?
    I love her face, it's so beautifully drawn, but forgive me for saying sunbeam, but I think your soldier has slipped a micky finn in that drink going by her eyes. x

    1. Ha! Ha! I love that, think I might add it to the storyline! X

  3. love the picture.....I am of for coffee and lunch with friends

    1. Thank you so much, I hope you enjoyed your visit with your friends x

  4. She's lovely. Wistful as you say. Interesting how the background has changed on the journey you had with her.

    1. Thank you chuck, I never know what will happen on the canvas.....bit like life eh! X

  5. Perfection! She does look so wistful.xx

    1. Thank you so much my friend, when I get such lovely feedback it really gives me more confidence in my work x

  6. The lady does look wistful, perhaps the fireworks will begin soon.
    We did the same wax crayon pictures - fun but very messy !

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you chuck, do you know, I can still smell those wax crayons. Happy days! X


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Custard cream or bourbon?