
Thursday, 22 June 2017

John Leggott College Art Foundation Exhibition:

We were so fortunate this year to hold the Art Foundation Exhibition at the fabulous Cafe Indie.
The top floor space had never been used before so we were especially honoured.
I'm so proud of the students, everyone was offered a place on their first choice of degree courses, covering specialisms such as Fine Art, Graphic Design, Photography, Costume Design, Automative Design, Illustration and Drawing.
Let me introduce you to Kieran, even though he'd never studied textiles before, he is now going to Bournemouth to study Theatre and Costume Design!
His work was a response to the subtle beauty of moths and their life cycle.
Jody is going to the University Of The Arts London to study Graphic and Media Design, her project was based on a charity that offers a sense of community to people who may feel isolated or lonely.
Jess will be studying Fine Art at Kingston University,her project was based on Buddhist principles and the importance on appreciating those seemingly insignificant moments in life.
James' work investigated the commercial, profit- driven aspects of the art world and was also heavily influenced by the 1960's and Gonzo journalism.
James will also be studying Fine Art at Kingston University.
Sarah has been offered a place to study Graphic Design, but this year she will be looking for apprenticeship opportunities and work experience.
Sarah produced the branding for a fictitious band, just look at all the merchandising and hard work!
Josh has been offered a place to study Automative Design at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
You can see how he has combined his design, graphics and fine art skills to create his project!

Keagan will be studying Graphic Design at UWE Bristol, and she explored the sexualisation and globalisation of brands in contemporary society.
Megan is going to sunny Brighton to study Fine Art Critical Practice.
The issue of censorship in the world of fine art has been the focus for her studies and she combined print, stitch and text to communicate her visual message.
Matthew's installation explores paranoia and superstition, and he combined his drawing, textiles and film- making skills to create a truly immersive experience.
He will be studying Fine Art at DeMontfort University, well done chuck!
Lucy (doing a classic 'Lucy' pose)! will be going to Falmouth to study Illustration and her project explored the theme of 'remnants'.
Her beautiful work did involve a lot of us collecting dead flies from our window sills.... just 'another day in the office' for Art Foundation!!!
We also had a lot of past students and members of staff coming along to see us too, thanks to everyone who came along to say 'hello' and have a good old catch up!
It really was a very busy night!
(Thanks @jlcartfoundation for taking this photo, I was too busy gossiping at this point)!
Fiona is going to Leeds College Of Art for her Photography degree studies.
Her work is based on environmental issues, and here she focused on how electricity is thoughtlessly wasted.
Livia will be studying a Drawing degree at Falmouth (can I squeeze into your suitcase please)?
Her beautiful paintings were based on the formation of crystals and considers the concept of 'rarity'.
Lucy will be studying Fine Art at Leeds.
Her project 'Ghost Flowers' is a poignant and sensitive response to our interaction with nature.

Thank you to all the staff at Cafe Indie for all your help and patience, the gallery space is absolutely amazing.
Selfie alert!!!!!!!
I just want to say how proud I am of the class of 2017.
You've all worked so hard, and it has been a real privilege to share ideas, have a laugh and experience this crazy year together.
I shall ruddy well miss you all so very much, you have no idea.
Wishing you all the success and happiness that you deserve my chickens.


  1. So wonderful to see all these different individuals ;-)
    And how they made and presented their art !
    Great show. Thanks !

    1. Thank you Els, I'm going to miss them so much! x

  2. Replies
    1. They have been such a brilliant group all year, they have helped and supported each other throughout the course x

  3. I've really enjoyed looking through these fabulous students' work which is amazing. You must be so proud of them but they are a testament to your great teaching

    1. Thank you so much, I am but a very small cog in a big teaching team but I have enjoyed teaching them so much x


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Custard cream or bourbon?