
Thursday, 9 August 2018

Harrogate I Love You!

A few weeks ago we had a family trip to Harrogate.
The first place we visited was Space Vintage And Retro.
(As you can see the hubby was excited!!!)

Why o why didn't I buy the dinosaur dress!?!

(I have that Tretchikoff picture at home, I found it at a charity shop a long time ago for £5 and my parents thought I'd gone mad!)

When I saw this window display I had to buy the book because I'm obsessed with Baba Yaga.
'The House With Chicken Legs' by Sophie Anderson is a great read, even though it's meant for young adults I really enjoyed it.

And then, of course, we made the pilgrimage to Betty's Tea Room.

I must have gazed at that window display for a good fifteen minutes!

(If it's cauliflower shaped, does it count as one of my five a day?



  1. oh yes, definitely one of your five a day! I love Harrogate but not been for ages. My sister in law worked at Betty's for a while and loved


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Custard cream or bourbon?