
Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Getting Lost...

 A couple of weeks ago I found myself in Birmingham with a few hours to kill.
I'd never visited before and didn't have a clue where I was.
I can't remember the last time I'd had the luxury of an agenda-free afternoon,
and so I decided to get lost.
'Getting lost' was one of my favourite things when I was an art student in London all those hundreds of years ago, and this felt like a real adventure.
I found myself in China Town, and she was certainly looking her best, de-decked and be-jewelled for the Chinese New Year celebrations...

I couldn't resist popping into a Chinese supermarket.

I loved looking at the food, not having a clue what it was...

and just look at the fab packaging!

 I also stumbled upon the huge Bull Ring Shopping Centre and found this impressive chap covered in jelly beans!

And as the sun set, China Town became even more beautiful...

I think I will have to schedule in a little bit more 'getting lost' time, as it certainly gets you out of the day-to-day routine that so easily sets in.
Hope you enjoyed our little adventure!


  1. HA ! tourist at home !! ;-)

    (didn't know you were thát much older than me .... ?)

    1. I love dit in Birmingham......we're both 21 aren't we! xxx

  2. I have never been there, looks fun.

  3. Did you get chance to see the Leonardo sketches and Too cute at BMAG?

    1. Oh no! I didn't know about that! It's certainly a buzzing city x


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Custard cream or bourbon?