
Friday, 1 February 2019

In The Old Town...

Lat weekend we fancied a stretch of the legs and a breath of salty sea air, so off we went to Bridlington for the day!
We spent the morning in the lovely Old Town, I really do love the atmosphere here, it truly is like stepping back in time...

We just had to pop into Heather's Simply Vintage, an absolutely stunning shop, stuffed to the seams with goodies and a beautiful old interior.

So many shiny things...

I should have got those slippers...

Just look at the hat box with the see-through panel...

Obligatory mother-daughter selfie!

'Tis the shop of my dreams!

There is also a fascinating shop nearby that seems to be frozen in time, I love peering through the windows at the old shop display...

See you again another time old Town...


  1. A nice trip .... thanks for the company !

  2. Oh my goodness that shop would seriously have damaged my bank balance, it’s fabulous
    Lynn xx

  3. Thank you for taking me on your day out with your gorgeous girl. The name Bridlington always reminds me of the late wonderful folk-ish singer Jake Thackray and his song "the Widow of Bridlington" It's on You-tube along with others.
    Keep warm!

    1. Oooo I'll have to have a look, thank you Judith x

  4. Glad you had such a wonderful time. For several years an old railway poster of Bridlington Beach was my screen saver at work on my computer, I just loved it.


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