
Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Have You Seen A Turkey Skeleton Before?

A few weeks ago we visited the New Walk Museum in Leicester...
ooo I do love a museum!

I was VERY excited to find a room filled with dinosaur bones and animal skeletons...

Just look how amazing this turkey skeleton is!

There was just so much to look at, but in the end, the fox skeleton caught my eye...
I had to draw him...

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to complete the sketch but I really enjoyed myself.

And just look at this octopus, (can an octopus be stuffed?!?)
He was incredible and will definitely inspire some future work Im sure...

I cannot recommend this museum highly enough, it is crammed full of amazing exhibits and stunning art.
I definitely need to visit again because I just didn't have long enough to do it justice!
Hope you enjoyed the whistle-stop tour!


  1. No I haven’t seen a turkey skeleton and I’m not sure I want to either missus. You’ve put me off my Christmas dinner haha xx


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