
Sunday, 24 May 2020

Icarus' Sister...

I found out the other day that I have been lucky enough to have this painting short-listed for the Harley Gallery Open Exhibition 2020.

I wasn't going to post about it because it's hard to share something like this without the worry of sounding like a show-off, and also it might not get through the next round of judging.

But then I thought 'why not'!

I love following artists and designers and celebrating their good news along the way, isn't it funny how harshly we judge ourselves!
So I hope that you don't mind me sharing this piece of news with you, I'm off to do a little happy dance!

Good luck to all the artists who have entered, can't wait for the time that the gallery will be open again!



  1. Well done Letitia, fingers crossed for you. X

  2. Hurrah, hurrah for news like this.
    Wishing you lots of good luck, I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
    Charlotte Neuhaus,
    the Netherlands

  3. Awwww thanks so much Charlotte x


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