
Wednesday, 22 July 2020

New Ways Of Working...

Technology scares me.
I mean, really scares me.

It's this intangible entity, that in one moment can be our best friend, the next our worst enemy.
I still can't believe that I actually have an online shop and that Instagram has become such a wonderful community that means a great deal to me.
Technology has become a huge part of my life but I have had to get through many a wobbly moment, as I suspect many of us have had to also.
It's been like that when I decided to try and learn how to use Photoshop. 
It took me years to pluck up the courage to begin, because for years I simply told myself so often that I couldn't do it, and so, in a way, it became my truth.
Now, I'm never gong to be a master of Photoshop, and I will probably only ever use about 1% of its abilities, but I do enjoy slowly learning its tricks (thanks to my amazingly patient friends and some fab online tutorials!)
This past few months I set myself the challenge to create a zine, initially for some teaching prep, but it has evolved into more of a passion-project that I would possibly like to develop further in the future.
I've really enjoyed creating a series of digital-collages that include snippets of my own artwork and scanned vintage papers. 
At first I began trying out some of the new techniques that I have learned, but I think that the theme of 'womanhood' and the different roles we have to play in our lives has started to emerge.
A book that often surfaces through my work in a myriad of ways is 'Women Who Run With The Wolves' by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, and the digital collage of a woman having to wear her protective 'Mama Bear' mask echoes the influence that this amazing writer has had on me over the years.

I hope to finish the zine soon, I purposefully haven't planned it out and I just want to let things emerge - it may be a little strange, but then, so is Life!

Wishing you a wonderful week chucks X


  1. I recently bought a mug saying 'mama bear', even though our kids have grown and left home... It's an important part of my identity. I, for one, look forward to seeing the zine in whatever form it emerges ;)

    1. Thank you Clare, that's exactly how I feel about the phrase. it's kind of cuddly but a bit fierce when needs be!!!!! x


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Custard cream or bourbon?