
Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Order Amongst The Chaos...

Isn't it strange how quickly you get into a new routine?
I've always needed routine to feel safe I suppose,
 and I've never been great at adapting quickly to change.

These are the things that help to make sense of my days:

  1. Painting.
2. Doing a bit of exercise in the morning, either a short jog or my Davina DVD (I do love Davina!)
3. Trying to learn Photoshop (I've been taking an online course from Domestika, they're a bargain!)

Doing even a little bit of one or more of the things on my list have given me some kind of stability and routine, especially on those 'wobbly' days.

I hope that you're all keeping safe and well, 
have you found things to do that help you make sense of the days?

Big hugs X


  1. We all need a bit of routine, especially at times like these. xxx

    1. Yes, it's been strange having to re-build some sort of daily routine from scratch. The one thing it has taught me is to slow down a little, I hope I don't forget that when things get back to normal x


Would you like to make a comment chuck?
I'd love to hear your thoughts, just a minute and I'll put the kettle on.
Custard cream or bourbon?