
Saturday, 20 February 2021

Having A Go...

For a long time now I have tried to work on my product photography.
I never realised just how tricky it is to photograph artwork for putting in an online shop and anything with a reflective or shiny surface is an absolute nightmare!
During the lockdown I've tried to sharpen up my very basic Photoshop skills and had a go at 'mocking up' a photo so that I could show my art prints in a frame, so that it would help to suggest how the prints could look if they were framed up.

My daughter helped me take the photo of me holding the frame and then I had a go!

I know that I have such a lot left to learn but I did have fun!

Hope you all have a fab weekend chucks X



  1. Hello, I don't know if my post was published.
    Did you finally took pictures with a frame and a glass ??? I have the same kind of issues as I make vitrines...
    Thank you in advance for your kind answer,

    1. Hello Natalie, sorry I can't see your previous comment chuck.
      I managed to Photoshop the print image over the frame image so that it would help to suggest what the print would look like in the frame - I hope that makes sense!! I'm still very much a beginner. Cheers! x

  2. Oh they look so good in a frame - well done you learning new skillz - helps us keep young. Love the stamps/green background piece - stunning colours and reminds me of a teacher I had - her name was Miss Tidy and she was gorgeous lol.

    1. Aww thanks Leanne, I'm glad that my picture has brought back happy memories x

  3. Well I think you did a great job. Full marks to you Mrs B xx


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I'd love to hear your thoughts, just a minute and I'll put the kettle on.
Custard cream or bourbon?