Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Last Few Bits And Bobs...

I'm getting that giddy excited feeling in the pit of my stomach.
I can't believe it's the workshop at Hope and Elvis on Saturday!
So I've just been making a few more fripperies and sorting out the last few preparations.
This little necklace is made from an old string of beads that I've attached to a tiny hand stitched transferred photograph.
He looks a little sombre, but I quite like that.
Here's a tiny picture on a wooden block.
Some of my favourite fragments of lace and an old singly dangly thing that I have been keeping for such an occasion, (kindly gifted to me from my mate Sam).
And the tiniest wooden block brooch that I have ever made!
I've got to go now to sort out some treats and surprises and some '80's cheesy ch- oons!
(Is it too early for a Christmas CD?)


  1. Have a fab time - wish I could be there. You will be ace xxx

    1. Thanks chuck, will miss you and your shinanigans x

  2. Such lovely things you make! It's never too early for some Christmas music!

    1. Thanks Patty, I think 'Last Christmas' will have to be played at least once! X

  3. Never too early for the Christmas CD.
    I demand Christmas music as I stitch! x

    1. Ooooh im so glad, I fancied Christmas music too!
      Can't wait to meet!
      Woo! Hoo! X

  4. Are you a size 4? eco ethel just found these

    1. Thank you, that is so kind of you but I'm a size 5.
      I enjoy the hunt though, I will keep an eye out for you too! X


Would you like to make a comment chuck?
I'd love to hear your thoughts, just a minute and I'll put the kettle on.
Custard cream or bourbon?