Tuesday, 8 March 2016

March Medicine...

You may remember I went to a ' Beat The Winter Blues' herbal remedies workshop in January at The Steel Rooms, held by the very lovely Ali English.
For this workshop we used nettle tops, violets and a whole host of other such exciting ingredients.
We started by brewing up a lemon detox decoction.
There's lots of chopping, peeling and creativity involved!
We then enjoyed the fruits of our labour and sipped our lemon and nettle tea.
It was really refreshing!

The next recipe was for an immune boost syrup, just the thing if you are starting to feel run down, or you have the beginnings of a cold.
I left the mathematics and measuring out to my trusty partners in crime... Thanks chucks!
Ta! Da!
A jar of our very own medicine to take home!
I really enjoyed myself, can't wait for the next one!
So, basket full of herbal goodness, I had a potter around Brigg before setting off home.
(My favourite little antiques shop...)
I also gave my new granny glasses a test run, cheap as chips from good ol' Asda's.
Hope you had a fab weekend too.


  1. My mum always made us nettle tops syrup in the spring time as a tonic.

    1. It amazes me how old remedies have so much wisdom x

  2. Ooooo potions! Love it. I drink nettle tea all the time - it's supposed to help with digestion and make your hair thicker, too.

    1. I'd never tried it before, I really liked it! X

  3. I' try the nettle tea I think. great glasses !

    1. Thank you most kindly, I'm always a bit worried when taking a selfie! X

  4. What a greet workshop. The best early nettle tops are just starting to appear in our Somerset hedgerows. I will be out picking soon and then making big batches of nettle soup.
    I love the glasses!

    1. Thank you most kindly!
      I've never tried nettle soup before! X

  5. Never come across a class for herbal remedies, it must have been really interesting, do you think they have to be vetted by the busybody food safety people, like when people want to sell jams... ?

    1. The tutor is super duper qualified but I do know what you mean! X

  6. That sounds really interesting! And you look just fab in your new specs! xxx

  7. These healthy concoctions would be so welcome right now - my first cold in about three years, and then some very busy work days as well. Red wine isn't curing me!

    Love the new glasses!

    1. Oh no! Hope you feel better soon chuck.
      Colds are so annoying! Xxx


Would you like to make a comment chuck?
I'd love to hear your thoughts, just a minute and I'll put the kettle on.
Custard cream or bourbon?